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Student Life
Although international students choose university cities based on the quality of higher education they provide, one cannot deny that some of the most important and formative times of student years actually take place outside of the classroom.
In this article, you'll find tips on student organizations, opportunities and links to get you oriented in Slovak student life, as well as various perks available to students in Slovakia.
Student Organisations
There are several international and national student organisations for students in Slovakia.
 | The Student Council for Higher Education is the supreme representative body of Slovak students enrolled at higher education institutions. Students of each university in Slovakia elect their representatives to the Council. The Council is a member of the European Students’ Union. |
ADS (Slovak PhD Students’ Association)
 | ADS is an organisation uniting PhD students and young scientists (up to the age of 35) in Slovakia. ADS is a member of the European Council of Doctoral Candidates and Junior Researchers – EURODOC. |
ESN (Erasmus Student Network)
 | ESN is a non-profit international student organisation founded in 1990 to support and develop student exchange. ESN Slovakia aims at working in the interest of all students who are spending parts of or their entire formal education at a higher education institution in Slovakia. ESN aims at creating conditions for a better understanding of each other’s cultures between students of different origins. |
In our country, ESN has sections at these universities or university towns:
ESN Sections are here to help and to make international students´ time in Slovakia worth it, they organise seminars and presentations, trips, cultural and social activities and much more throughout the academic year. To add, they provide a buddy system - Slovak volunteers are assigned to international students who are interested in participating in this system and help them throughout their whole stay in Slovakia.
AIESEC (Association Internationale des Etudiants en Sciences Economiques et Commerciales)
BEST (Board of European Students of Technology)
ELSA (The European Law Students’ Association)
 | ELSA is an international organisation associating law students and young lawyers. In the Slovak Republic, ELSA operates at the Faculties of Law of the Comenius University in Bratislava, Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica, University of Trnava in Trnava and the Pan-European University in Bratislava. |
IAESTE Slovakia (The International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience)
 | IAESTE is an international association for exchange of students from technical fields for specialised experience. In the Slovak Republic, IAESTE has 3 local centres - in Bratislava, Žilina and Košice. |
IFSA (International Forestry Students’ Association)
 | IFSA is a worldwide network of local and national associations of forestry students. In the Slovak Republic, IFSA operates at the Technical University in Zvolen. |
SloMSA (Slovak Medical Students Association)
 | SloMSA is a member of the International Medical Students Association (IFMSA). SloMSA operates at the 2 medical faculties of the Comenius University (in Bratislava and in Martin), at the Faculty of Medicine of the Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice and at the Slovak Medical University in Bratislava |
 | MKM is a club founded by medical students of Martin town and is very locally active in organizing various non-profit, sport and other extracurricular activities. |
 | The Youth Council of Slovakia is a network of 28 youth organizations in Slovakia and serves as their official, political and public representative (in Slovak only). |
Student Cards
Several international cards can be used in the Slovak Republic.
These cards enable students to be eligible for discounts on transport, accommodation, restaurants, cinemas, concerts, museums and exhibitions.
For students, the most advantageous is the worldwide recognised students’ card ISIC (International Student Identity Card) and for teachers the worldwide recognised teachers’ card ITIC (International Teacher Identity Card).
Anyone aged under 26 ,can ger the European Youth Card (in Slovak "Karta EURO 26) offering their holders’ various discounts on anything from train/ bus/ plane tickets to cinema tickets. The cardholders may also buy health insurance for more favourable prices.
The cards can be bought in the offices of CKM 2000 TRAVEL.